Another double-sided keyring built around a piece of Sea Glass found locally... This was a bit of an experiment, as I wanted to decorate the bottom as well as the top, and I just went for it, without really knowing if the cage would work... Not as many vines and spirals as I would have liked, which gives me plenty to think about for my next one!!

Il est super beau ton porte-clef
j'aime beaucoup
Encore une petite merveille
Un grand bravo à toi
je l'adore, tu as beaucoup de talent!!! ou achetes tu ton métal?
Merci Nadou et Nadia!
Nadia, je trouve toutes mes pierres/métaux/cristaux sur place, à Bodrum. J'essaye de soutenir l'économie locale, autant que je peux ... :)
It's soooo pretty nonetheless
That is quite a key chain though... too pretty... I would hang it around my neck! LOL
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