Sunday, February 15, 2009

Chromothérapie/ Colour Therapy: Violet/Purple

Colour Therapy : PURPLE
Purple is the colour of Magic and Mystery, peace of mind and inspiration.
Put some purple in your life to kick-start your imagination and increase your creativity, to re-balance your life and remove obstacles, to increase positive energy and beat depression.

Chromothérapie (Thérapie des couleurs) : VIOLET
Violet est la couleur de la Magie et des Mystères, de la paix de l’esprit et de l’inspiration.
Mettez du violet dans votre vie de tous les jours pour donner un coup de fouet à votre imagination et à votre créativité, pour rééquilibrer votre vie et vous débarrasser d’obstacles, pour augmenter votre énergie positive et faire fuir la dépression.


Lily Pang said...

I like purple. Your purple and silver are so elegant!

Mariana said...

That second one, on the left, with the dragonfly... I looooove it!
I didn't know that about purple. Like Lily says, purple and silver look really nice together. I saw a scarf yesterday, purple and orange... I write it and it doesn't feel right hahaha but it looked so good!!!

Ruth said...

I like this "series" you are doing on your blog. I wear a little purple everyday. Amethyst is my birth stone and my husband bought me this lovely little amethyst ring years ago and I wear it constantly. Nice to think its magic! Do you have the saying in France about "when I'm old I'll wear purple"????

Easterya said...

Merci les filles!!
Ruth, no we don't have that saying... Why only when you're old? Is there a story behind that saying??