Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Chromothérapie/ Colour Therapy: white/blanc

Strictly speaking, white is not a color, but 'contains' all colours. White is whole and complete. In many cultures it represents openness and truth.
It's the key to all other colours and this makes it a good choice for new beginnings, and development in any direction.
Put some white in your everyday life when you want to clear your mind, rid yourself of clutter (physically and mentally) and start something new.

Le blanc n'est pas une couleur mais "contient' toutes les couleurs. Dans de nombreuses traditions, le blanc représente pureté et vérité.
Mettez du blanc dans votre vie de tous les jours quand vous voulez vous débarasser d'obstacles, clarifier votre esprit et commencer quelque chose de nouveau.


Mariana said...

what a pretty piece! what kind of stone is that?
i seldom wear white... well, not in winter anyway, I should!

Easterya said...

It's only glass, but a nice size and weight... I too seldom wear white, but it's groing on me!!